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Wikingerburg - Ferschweiler
Wikingerburg - Ferschweiler

The Ferchweiler Plateau was ever again a prevailed living area. It is easy to defend because of it's natural rock face formations at the borders and can be accessed via two ways only. These wall relicts are of the vikings (800 A.C.).

These ruins are from ancient ramparts and parpets, built by the Celts to help against the Hun that were dwelling from the East with their little horses. Those ramparts originated at one end of a hill saddle, and were often supported by rock faces. Today they are all moldered, because the scree was fixed with wooden stakes which decayed.

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Town:54668 Ferschweiler
Administration:Eifelkreis Bitburg-Prüm
Picture file name:hink0899.jpg
Picture date:16.05.2004 19:12:00

all photos © klaus rädecke, 1996-2020 & johanna haas 2010-2012