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Stork Stone - Tholey
Stork Stone - Tholey

This remarkable stone consists of Tholeyit, a typical material from magma acitivities. It stands along a serpent way on the south-side of the Schaumberg, which is a significant hill in the Saarland. The water springs on the south side attracted people very early, and that stone was considered a center manifest of godness. The celtic people were said to have used it for their cultural puropses, but, as neolitical monuments were ascribed to celts falsely before, no one can now be sure about that.
When repairing the serpent way recently, the Stork Stone was reerected.

Rock formations do create strong places. They have been used for rituals, they have given shelter, some were used for meetings. Eroded sand stone and basalt rock forms large parts of middle Germany. In limestone sometimes there exist stalactite caves. When they collapse, the relicts are impressive.

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Town:66636 Tholey
Administration:Sankt Wendel
Picture file name:imga0412.jpg
Picture date:05.10.2007 15:28:00

all photos © klaus rädecke, 1996-2020 & johanna haas 2010-2012