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Welcome to my webpage covering prehistoric monuments of the neolithic aera from Germany! 900 documentations from 4000-6000 years of age await you, shown in own photograpies from since 1993. Documentation is ordered into categories of graves and menhirs, additionally the specialithics category shows objects related to stone, but cannot be classified as neolithic. For each category, a camp page exists to select between a finer categorization. On this homepage, I comment on the evolution of this web site in blog form, and I provide entry to some remarkable places in megalithic Germany..

The GrandGraveGallery. 5825 pictures of 599 prehistoric graves from Germany are presented and commented in this part of my archive. Some famous objects are described, as i.e. the Langgräber of Visbek and the Hohen Steine Wildeshausen, as well as some quite ruined large graves. Most of these graves are in Northern Germany, that is, Niedersachsen, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Schleswig-Holstein and Mechlenburg-Vorpommern. Builders were ancient farmers and rancher tribes. Most of these graves have been built more than 4000 years ago. Modern construction needs reduced the number and conditions of these ressources. Profits were more important than respect to the ancestors. The new law implemented around 1900 A.C. could not stop, but only reduce these destructions. In the years before these places were respected, and in part been in use for burials. Others were avoided and many have names containing the devil's name.
In 2004 I brought 45 more objects into this collection, especially from the Emsland. Thuine, Groß Berßen are impressive examples.
In 2005 I visited the North East, which also has its megalithic graves, impressive like on the dolmen on the Bierberg near Gerbitz.
2006 I added again some pictures from Northern Hessia, Southern Lower Saxony and Eastern Westfalia. Thereby you find the southmost Dolmen of Germany in Muschenheim and the instructive reconstruction of Atteln.
2007 hasn't hat much harvest in number, but combinations with menhirs were found, in Langeneichstädt in secondary usage, and in Latdorf area on top of grave moulds.
2009 brought a lot of new stuff before my cameras. Way by Clemens-August-Dorf, the grave group at "Deymanns Mühle" up to north western Tannenhausen, seeing a tiny chamber at Friedeburg, passing the "Heidenopfertisch", and, among many other graves in the Altmark, the giants bed of Winterfeld.
During Spring 2009 I'd been traveling through Mecklenburg again. Beautiful scene made the Heistersteine. An imposant dolmen resides near Plaaz. Way back, I came across the Stone coffin of Uelzen.
2012 started with a visit on the island of Rügen. A beautiful sight onto the eastern sea one has from the Passage grave Magelowberg near Nipmerow.
2013 touring again with my bike and there were new things to see. On one hand, there are the Graves of Rolfsen and Steinfeld, which lie within a stone circle somewhat elevated, and on the other hand with two nekropoles, that were built at elder stone tombs - in Soderstorf und Badenstedt. The south tour in autumn allowed me a visit to the Heidenstein in Schwörstadt.
2014 I started with my bike, the XJ900, through the Westerwald country, via Oberzeuzheim, to stay some days on the east side of the Luneburger Heide. There were the Kings Graves of Haaßel, and, sadly, many ruins. At the end of the tour I stayed at Wildeshausen Geest, and luckily I got pretty pictures of the Glaner Braut, which is a small area, where four megalithic graves remained in the grass and Heide. I'd like to mention the Witches stone of Neerstedt, a relatively small tomb with impressive cap stone having lots of Schälchen engraved.

The Hinkelpage with a collection of 1694 pictures from 178 fresh menhirs. Menhirs are hard to identify in Northern Germany. Therefore most menhirs presented will be from Middle and Southern Germany. Exceptions are so called "Näpfchensteine" with manmade cup marks. In the soil beneath the Opferstein von Melzingen high phosphate values could be found. Most of these stones are interweaved with fairies and tales. Here too, many famous stones are presented as the Gollenstein. This one shows the results of the modern human erosion very badly.
New visits in 2005 were the second highest menhir of Germany, the Stone Virgin of Dölau. There are quite a few cup mark stones, either standalone or as a cupstone of a tomb.
Common to these monuments is, that it is hard to imagine, how the "primitive" people could manage to move these big rocks to build these dolmens and chambers, where this is possible today only through machine power.
Since 2005 I can show you the secondmost high menhir of Germany: The Stone Virgin von Dölau!. Altogether, I collected quite a lot photographs in Eastern Germany. New for me was the thing about the nailings in some stones. And I was impressed by some cup stones.
2006 I added some Pfälzer menhirs and westfalian erratic blocks. Also, I took a lot of beautiful pictures on the Externsteine.
2007 I returned with some pictures of menhirs and sacrificial stones in Middle Hessian. Also it is worth now take a second look to Walhausen! "Gute Nachricht" is from Neu-Mehring as the menhir is restored.
2008 I was on the Ankumer Höhe, visited the Pfaohlenstein, south of Bremen the Buckled dress maker of Ristedt, and in the Altmark area, in Bonese the Lehnekestein.
2009 I biked to Mecklenburg again and very impressive appeared the Schälchenstein von Zislow and the Cromlech of Lenzen. Nearby is the Cromlech of Bellin which takes destructions up to now. For foresters, the tracks that pass through the stone circle, need to be broader to let the trucks of today pass. Although some touristic attraction is advertised, this is countercaricated by woodpicker business interests. Finally, I could take some fotographs of the Bibelistein in Offenburg this year.
2010 we found the Langen Stein von Rittersheim and others from Rheinhessen.
A big sacrificial stone of Ruegen found its way to this collection in 2012.
In 2013 I discovered the Taufstein (means christening stone). Also, I found similar prehistoric engravings on the long stones of Unterstoppel and the passage grave in Züschen In Autumn I went to the south of Germany and visited the Hunnenstein bei Schwörstadt and could see some christianized Stones.
Touring in spring 2014 I got new pictures of the Opferstein Melzingen, and newly, the Cup Stone of Drethem. The road that leads to there is closed for bikes on weekends, so this time I was lucky...

MegaSpeciaLithics is the new part since 2009, where I want to give some lights onto the surroundings of the main topic of megaliths. For one part, here I collected some things that were shown in the Hinkelpage earlier but do not directly belong to neolithicum. And secondly, I assembled some tours though existing material, using from different view points (cups, nails). But also later generations had stone in their view when they wanted to make something eternal. I show such things in the chapter Monuments. And there is a chapter showing famous places like the Externsteine. And the panorama has peripherals and outlooks.
And since April 2012 I have the Top Ten working. Most clicked locations show on top.

Now lets follow with some general notes:
The Site has now a common data structure. The "camp" pages now allow to sort for zip code, location and place name for the listing.
Another highlight for this release is the variable picture size! Just click on the picture to change the size! Finally, I sorted many of the pictures, dropped some and added the fresh menhirs along with many newly translated comments.
In the beginning of 2010 I added much information that was readily availably, compiled in a table. Much housekeeping was done.
2010 and 2011 were thrilling, although there were no updates here for long. Johanna Haas had joined the enterprise, and we had been on expeditions for three times now, for the Ferchweiler Plateau, southern Emsland and Mecklenburg.
Even more photograpies came up, so considerable effort was necessary to keep control. To aid the filtering, and also the ordering of pictures to a convenient sightseeing, I had to further develop my picture sorting program (tcl under Linux) to use the dual monitor setup. Then, the technical and creative work was divided. As a consequence, existing links from within my web site needed updating, which required me to enhance my set of VBA macros to handle my Excel database.
Lastly, I worked to get conformal to W3C HTML 4.01 Transitional, and I am just missing "Strict" because I want to target a new browser environment for external links.
Note also, that navigation through this archive is accelerated using the access keys of your browser combined with the command keys "vbnm".
Unfortunately, Johanna had a severe brain injury in September 2012 and died 2013 in a tragedy. That made the exploration of megaliths unpleasant, and still (2014) bothers me. Nevertheless, new excursions have found their way under the wheels of my bike, and there is a noteworthy update to the site. I was well prepared using the data from Megalithic Portal and my brand new Sprockhoff Atlas to generate best POI lists. Later, in autumn, my site suffered from shallshock, which took me offline for two weeks. Now, as my site grows, I am working towards a new design for a more modern appearance. Be prepared!

Please take a look at my literature list. A short list but with comments, in German only (sorry).

Have fun surfin' German megaliths!
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Andere Themen sind other topics

Digitale Animationen aus 3d x-ray Artefakten mit der Meeresschnecke Cassis Cornuta, einem Relief, einer Figur, und meinem Gesicht.
Meine musikalischen Beispiele mit Mozarts Nachtmusik per E-Gitarre.
Mathematische Exkursionen zu den Gierer-Meinhardt-Gleichungen, die die Diffusion zweier wechselwirkender Substanzen, eine davon autokatalytisch, durch partielle Differentialgleichungen beschreibt.
Ich stelle mich vor

Und hier gibt es Verweise zu Websites, mit deren Urhebern ich eng befreundet bin:
Homepage des Keferstein-Vereins, der Familienverein, in dem ich aktiv bin.
Website der Praxis Dr. Gerhard Polzar der mir erlaubte, die Röntgenaufnahmen einiger Artefakte zu machen.

Information presented on this homepage can be wrong, even though I try to be correct. I will not be responsible for any damage araising from using information published here.

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An dieser Stelle mein Dank an Manni, Mario, Ikarus, Marlene, Bodecea, Steph, Udo für ihre Hinweise!
Dieses ist eine private Homepage. Sie soll beitragen zum Wachstum des gemeinsamen Wissens um unsere Welt und zur Freude darum - wie der Luft zum Atmen. Ich glaube, nur mit Gedankenfreiheit und freiem Austausch ist die Kreativität dazu möglich.

This is a private page. It may contribute towards growth of wisdom upon our world and the joy.  I believe that freedom of thought and exchange is necessary to keep creativity alive.

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