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Menhir of Laubenheim
Menhir of Laubenheim

This one is closest to my home today. In an essay of the local media 2008 it was announced to put this stone into closer attention of wanderers by displacing it. This had happened in the meanwhile. It was also planned to put it into upright position, but my photos show the opposite.

Stone disks are usually grand menhirs. Many have a so called blood groove along the small sides.
Prehistoric chiselers work indicates a matriarchal meaning on the Eselstratt.

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Town:55130 Laubenheim
Picture file name:i9_dsci0024.jpg
Picture date:31.08.2010 16:47:00

all photos © klaus rädecke, 1996-2020 & johanna haas 2010-2012